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Registered nurses, or RNs, are licensed medical professionals who care for patients who are ill, injured or recovering from surgery. While most RNs work at hospitals, a small portion of registered nurses also work in government agencies, social assistance agencies and educational services.

Registered Nursing Schools in Alabama

You can become an RN by earning a bachelor's degree in nursing (BSN) from a college or university. You can also get an associate degree at a community college or a diploma from a hospital-based nursing school. Master's degrees in nursing are also available for those who want to become advanced practice nurses (i.e. clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners). As a registered nursing student, you'll receive both classroom instruction and hands-on experience. Examples of registered nursing coursework include chronic disease management, health assessment, human anatomy, microbiology and nursing studies. You can earn a nursing degree or diploma from an online or campus-based program at one of the many Alabama RN schools. Students who graduate from an approved nursing program must also pass the National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX-RN, to obtain a nursing license. Other requirements, such as continuing education credits, vary by state. Earning a degree from one of the many registered nursing schools in Alabama is a great way to start your nursing career.

Registered Nursing Salaries in Alabama

Job opportunities for RNs are expected to be excellent, with more than 581,000 new jobs opening between 2008 and 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In 2008, RNs constituted the largest healthcare occupation, with more than two million jobs. In Alabama, there are 42,880 registered nurses. The BLS reports that in May 2009, registered nurses in Alabama earned a median annual salary of $55,070, which equates to an hourly median wage of $26.48. Within Alabama, employment for registered nurses is highest in the Birmingham area, Mobile and Huntsville. RNs in the Columbus GA-AL metropolitan area, Birmingham area and Montgomery earned the highest median salaries.

Take a look at the list of RN schools in Alabama to find one that's most convenient for you.

Fast Facts for Registered Nurses in Alabama

  • Cities with highest percentage of jobs relative to population: Gadsden, Florence and Dothan
  • Cities with lowest percentage of jobs relative to population: Auburn, Montgomery and Huntsville
  • Cities with the highest absolute number of jobs: Birmingham, Mobile and Huntsville

Salaries for Registered Nurses in Alabama

  • Metro areas with the highest median salaries: Anniston, Montgomery and Birmingham

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