Sandusky Employment

Employment and Industries in the Sandusky, Ohio Area

The Sandusky region's economy consists of a diversified industrial base, which includes machine tools, automotive parts, plastics and vinyl products, colorants, paints, bearings and food processing. Some of the notable companies with facilities in the region are Glidden, Kyklos Bearing International Inc., JBT Foodtech, Akro-Mils, Hanson Aggregates and Bettcher Industries. The county is also the site of Plum Brook Station of N.A.S.A.'s John H. Glenn Research Center, which is known for its space testing facilities.

The economy is also bolstered by tourism due in great part to the Cedar Point Amusement Park. Agriculture, including wine production, also plays a significant economic role for the region.

Noteworthy details about Sandusky, Ohio: Estimated median household income in 2007 - $35,000. Cost of living index in 2008 - 77.8 (U.S. average is 100). Adult population holding a bachelor's degree - 11%.

The following is a list of Sandusky's primary employers:

  • Firelands Regional Health System
  • Magnum Management Corporation
  • Cedar Fair, LP
  • Meijer, Inc
  • Kyklos Bearing International, Inc
  • Canton S-Group
  • CNL Income GW Sandusky Tenant, LP
  • Veterans Home, Ohio
  • Walmart Stores, Inc
  • City of Sandusky
  • John Bean Technologies Corporation
  • Great Bear Lodge of Sandusky, LLC
  • US Tsubaki, Inc
  • Macy's Retail Holdings, Inc
  • Providence Care Center
  • Citizens Banking Co
  • Bettcher Industries
  • JBT Foodtech

In Sandusky there are a number of popular jobs that are primarily filled by college graduates including registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, coaches and scouts, human resources, training and labor relations specialists; management analysts, mechanical engineers and financial managers.

The top employment fields in Sandusky, Ohio:

  • Healthcare
  • Accommodation and food services
  • Transportation equipment
  • Education
  • Construction
  • Metal and metal products
  • Plastic and rubber products

Some of the organizations offering useful information and assistance to local businesses are shown below:

Those interested in the Sandusky business community may want to read the Sandusky Register.

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Sandusky Colleges
Sandusky colleges and trade schools.

Jobs More Common Near Sandusky Than Most Other Cities

* Average job popularity for metro areas = 1.0

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Work Paying Relatively Well in the Sandusky, Ohio Metro Area (2008 data)

* Average Salary Index for metro areas = 1.0

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