Job Hunting? Try These Tips

May 20, 2011

Online job searchThe Internet and technology has drastically changed the process of job hunting. By now, we all know that social media has become a popular tool for recruiting. Many people, however, are still trying to figure out the best way to utilize these tools for a successful job search.

As Forbes pointed out, trends and practices are always changing so to successfully land a new job, it is important to stay up-to-date. Now a days, landing a job requires networking through multiple channels as well as building and protecting your brand. Forbes also noted that it is important to keep your resume appealing. What exactly does that mean? Well, for starters, be sure to customize your resume to each position and company you apply to. Blasting an industry with one resume may have worked back in the day, but today's market is filled with highly specialized jobs, so tailor your resume to show that you have the skills and experience that are needed for a particular role.

However, at the same time, don't confine yourself to your job title, skills sets or experience. Employers value talent and ability and while your title may not be exactly the same as the role you're applying to, your skills may still be applicable. As Forbes said, "If you have a track record of producing results, don't avoid a promising position just because you don't have any direct experience with it".

Not too long ago, stability and longevity was a good thing. Today, however, staying in the same position for five or more years can be a red flag as it could be seen as a lack of ambition or out-of-date job skills. While it's still important not to jump around too much, Forbes urges readers to not be afraid to list multiple jobs and employers, particularly those that show upward movement or other signs of growth such as new projects.

The New York Times reported that there are even mobile apps to help you with your job search. For instance, the free iPhone app Interviews offers tips, advice and strategies for each step of the process, from pre-interview to post-interview follow up.

CareerBuilder noted that timing also plays a key role--sometimes, at least. For instance, when it comes to starting your job search, there is no real "right" or "wrong" time. Vicki Salemi, career expert and author of "Big Career in the Big City", said, "If you see an opportunity that interests you, go for it."

Chris Forman, CEO of networking website StartWire, pointed out that recruiters often review the applicant pool three or four days after a position has opened and stop reviewing new candidates while interviewing qualified candidates that applied early on. Therefore, getting your resume and cover letter in as soon as possible, is a best practice.

Even if you are not on the market for a new job, The Wall Street Journal recommended keeping your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and continuously strengthening your network. LinkedIn can be used to display your credentials to colleagues and potential clients and can also be used to gather information about industry trends and competitors. Furthermore, should you unexpectedly lose your job, having your LinkedIn profile up-to-date can be an asset.

Lastly, despite the role that LinkedIn and other social media sites play in the job search, many recruiters still say face-to-face networking is important.

"Nothing replaces the old-fashioned calling people up and meeting with them," said Steven Raz, managing partner of Cornerstone Search Group.

Compiled by Staff


"Is timing everything in job search?", May 18, 2011, Kaitlin Madden

"Job Hunting in a Social Media World: Are You Keeping Up?", May 14, 2011, Holly Green

"Making LinkedIn Work for You,", May 18, 2011, Sue Shellenbarger

"Searching for a Job? Try Looking at Your Hand-Held First,", May 18, 2011, Bob Tedeschi

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