Job Seekers Looking For New Ways To Find Work

As unemployment continues to rise to levels unseen and unheard of since the Great Depression, everyone is looking for a better way to find a job, or help someone else find a job. In Wilmington, Delaware, Mayor Jim Baker and Lt. Governor Matt Denn will be making an appearance to discuss how job hunters can learn about and leverage the new rules of the job market. Earthtimes [from an article originally located at,774961.shtml] reports on a free education program that will be held in early May.

Event Director Joyce Proctor says "job hunting has changed and people have not kept up with the changes." Proctor goes on to say that individuals must take greater responsibility for finding ways to stand out in the increasingly competitive job marketplace. Keynotes and sessions will address Interviewing Skills and Writing a Winning Resume, among other topics.

On the subject of standing out, Maryann Haggerty - writing in the Washington Post encourages first-time and inexperienced job seekers to put their passions and interests right in their resumes. And for those who don't have much in the way of experience, she recommends a time-honored strategy - volunteer in your field, and network, network, network.

An emerging method of standing out in a crowded job market is a familiar method that companies have used to sell products and services - a television advertisement. [from an article originally located at] reports that job seekers in the Northeast can record 30-second commercials and put them on "The New England Job Show". The idea for the show came from personal experience; it was created by Ken Masson, an unemployed community banker. Another lay-off victim, Kristyn Sikl, formerly of Fidelity Investments, volunteered to direct. But it's not all amateurs who have gotten involved; the show's on-air host used to be a reporter for CNN.

Robert Thompson, professor of TV and popular culture at Syracuse University, weighs in with the observation that more and more Americans are used to making videos, and television, even with Youtube's popularity, is still the most-watch medium. Four episodes of the show have been filmed, and the shows are being distributed to a handful of local stations. About a dozen individuals have recorded spots, including Libby Dilling, who nailed it on her third try. "I've never done something like this before," she said. "We'll see what happens."

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