Web Designer Creates a Resume that Mimics Amazon Product Page

January 29, 2013

While it is always the goal when creating a resume to reach and attract potential employers by distinguishing it from all the other run-of-the-mill resumes, it is especially imperative in a difficult job market, such as the one many workers now face. According to Today, one Paris-based Web product manager sought to achieve just that when he designed a unique Web-based resume that resembled a product listing for Amazon, the popular retail website -- with him as the product. His resume has since become a viral sensation, attracting at least 100 work-related inquiries.

Philippe Dubost created an online resume that looks like a carbon copy of a product listing on Amazon.com, complete with a five-star rating. Dubost told Today that he came up with the idea after seeing a number of "smart or goofy resumes," including one that resembled a Google results page.

"And I thought, heck, how about an Amazon product page?" he said. "It all seemed so natural, there's a title, a picture, description, reviews."

Under "product details," Dubost's "Amaz-ing Resume" provides details about him and many of his relevant skills, including his two graduate degrees and fluency in three languages. Readers are advised to order soon, as only one remains in stock, and when prospective employers attempt to add Dubost to their shopping cart or wish list, they are presented with a contact form. Dubost even includes a set of "customer reviews" to list his job history, with an average of five stars.

"What I really had in mind was sending the link to the resume along with applications I would send to job offers, as a way to make my application different," Dubost told Today, noting that his goal was to connect with companies that suited his interest and expertise. "I would never have sent that for a job application at an accounting company, for instance. I thought, 'Well, if they like that stuff, then it's a fun web company.'"

Dubost told Today that it took him about two days to build the site. He posted it last month, but it has only begun to attract attention -- among the media and potential employers -- in the last week. So far, the resume has generated about 100 work-related inquiries, says Dubost. It has also been featured on a number of news websites and made the social media rounds. Last week, Mashable went so far as to dub Dubost's resume the "best online resume ever."

"I really never meant, less expected, for the resume to go that crazy viral!" he said to Today. "This is just unbelievable, crazy, and fun."

According to TIME, Dubost's isn't the only "creative" resume out there. Laboratory technician Sonya Williams launched her resume on the popular auction website eBay.com. Starting bidding at just 99 cents, Williams warns prospective employers to "hurry, I will go fast," offers 1-day shipping from Lansing, Michigan, and promises that she has "no defects or wear and tear." A check of the site at press time indicates that Williams -- or Item 221181870655 -- is no longer available, and it is unknown whether her listing achieved the desired results.

Compiled by Aimee Hosler


"Amazing Online Resume Looks Just Like Amazon Product Page -- and Inspires Copycats," time.com, January 29, 2013, Rebecca Nelson

"Fake Amazon Page Is Best Online Resume Ever," mashable.com, January 24, 2013, Chris Taylor

"Job seeker sells himself with viral Amazon resume," today.com, January 28, 2013, Eun Kyung Kim

"Philippe's Amaz-ing resume," phildub.com, Philippe Dubost

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