Community Colleges A Bargain Compared With Four Year Institutions
People attend community colleges for many reasons. One of them is saving money--both in terms of reduced tuition and not accumulating academically related debt.
Community Colleges An Important Part Of Higher Education
Community colleges are two-year institutions that are also commonly referred to as junior, technical, and city colleges. As an essential part of postsecondary education, the term "community college" is derived from the fact that they mainly attract and accept students from the local community.
Community Colleges And Articulation Agreements
Community colleges are the optimal place for many students to begin their postsecondary education. Starting at a community college may be driven by financial reasons, flexible schedules, career choice, or low high school grades, among other reasons.
Transferring From A Community College To A Four Year School
According to the Association of Community Colleges, approximately half of all college students begin their studies at two-year schools. There are two primary reasons why 50 percent of students transfer to four-year schools to complete a baccalaureate degree: the competitive U.S. job market and increased economic globalization.