As an auto mechanic, your daily tasks in a service shop could include the maintenance, repair and inspection of cars and small trucks. You'll be using traditional systems in order to carry these jobs out but will be increasingly asked to use electronic systems that are being introduced for modern vehicles. Though Rhode Island is a small state, there are a number of larger metro areas close by to pursue job opportunities after completion of your certificate or training program.
There are a number of different venues to help provide you with the career assistance needed to become an auto mechanic. In Rhode Island there are a few popular auto mechanic schools, including:
Auto mechanic schools in Rhode Island can help you to gain the right education that you need to pursue your chosen career. Many of the programs may provide with the skills to:
After this program, some students will then go on to gain an associate's degree.
In order to become a practicing auto mechanic in Rhode Island, you may require a certificate from the National Institute of Automatic Service Excellence. This will be where you choose a specialist area that you want to go into and could be anything from brakes to electronical systems. You can even undergo all of the tests to gain a certificate in each, which can then enable you to become an ASE Master Technician.
In order to gain any of these certificates, you will need to have 2 years of work experience in a related role, or have a relevant education and a year's work experience.