Fast Facts for Civil Engineering Technicians in New York

  • Cities with highest percentage of jobs relative to population: Elmira, Albany and Glens Falls
  • Cities with lowest percentage of jobs relative to population: New York, Rochester and Buffalo
  • Cities with the highest absolute number of jobs: New York, Albany and Nassau

Salaries for Civil Engineering Technicians in New York

  • Metro areas with the highest median salaries: New York, Glens Falls and Ithaca
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Metro Areas Rated for Popularity for:
Civil Engineering Technicians

Listed below are metro areas ranked by the popularity of jobs for Civil Engineering Technicians relative to the population of the city. Salary data was obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2019 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2018-28 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Metro Area
Annual Median Salary
Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls120$50,340

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