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Graphic designers, also called graphic artists, create effective and visually aesthetic designs, layouts and corporate communication strategies for clients. Some graphic designers work on-site at a firm or company; others are consultants or freelancers who work out-of-office on a contract basis. Graphic artists can work in a variety of environments, including advertising or communications companies, newspapers, magazines or design firms.

Graphic Design Schools in Missouri

A bachelor's degree in graphic design is typically required for most graphic design positions and is offered at many colleges and universities as well as private design schools. Many schools require students to complete a year of basic art and design courses before enrolling in a bachelor's degree program. Coursework in graphic design may include studio art, website design, commercial graphics production, computer artwork and drawing. Some designers may find it helpful to take additional courses in psychology, writing, marketing, business and foreign languages. However, formal education is not the only thing you'll need--graphic designers must also be creative, have an eye for detail and excellent communication and problem solving skills. There are many graphic design schools in Missouri--both online and campus-based--that can teach you everything you need to know to become a graphic designer.

Graphic Designer Salaries in Missouri

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects employment of graphic designers to grow 13 percent between 2008 and 2018. Designers with a background in website design or animation will see an increased demand for their services as more clients and companies move towards interactive media. There are 3,970 graphic designers in the state of Missouri. To join them, enroll in one of the following Missouri graphic design schools. As of May 2009, Missouri graphic designers earned an hourly median wage of $19.27 or $40,080 per year, according to the BLS. You'll find the most graphic artists in Springfield and Columbia, while those in Jefferson City (and Springfield) earned the highest annual median salary.

If you're interested in this creative and rewarding job, get more information from one of the following Missouri graphic design schools.

Fast Facts for Graphic Designers in Missouri

  • Cities with highest percentage of jobs relative to population: Columbia, Kansas City and Springfield
  • Cities with lowest percentage of jobs relative to population: Joplin, St. Joseph and Jefferson City
  • Cities with the highest absolute number of jobs: Kansas City, St. Louis and Springfield

Salaries for Graphic Designers in Missouri

  • Metro areas with the highest median salaries: Kansas City, St. Louis and Springfield
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Metro Areas Rated for Popularity for:
Graphic Designers

Listed below are metro areas ranked by the popularity of jobs for Graphic Designers relative to the population of the city. Salary data was obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2019 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2018-28 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Metro Area
Annual Median Salary
Jefferson City60$35,080

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