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A registered nurse, or RN, is a licensed medical professional who provides critical treatment and care to sick and injured patients. Registered nurses typically work in hospitals, but can also be found in physicians' offices, home healthcare services or social assistance agencies.

Registered Nursing Schools in New York

To become a registered nurse, there are three typical educational paths--a bachelor's degree (BSN), an associate degree (ADN) or a diploma. Many schools also have accelerated BSN programs for those who already have a bachelor's degree in another field, but want to switch to a career in nursing. A registered nursing program will give you both the classroom education and hands-on experience you need to become an RN. Coursework for registered nurses usually includes anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, behavioral sciences and nursing. Many New York RN schools have online and campus-based options to help you earn an associate's or bachelor's degree in nursing. After graduating from an approved nursing program, you'll need to pass a national licensing exam, called the National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX-RN, in order to obtain a nursing license. Other requirements vary by state. Registered nursing schools in New York can provide the education and training you need to become an RN.

Registered Nursing Salaries in New York

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects RNs to see excellent job growth between 2008 and 2018, adding some 581,000 new jobs. Registered nurses held approximately 2.6 million jobs in 2008, making them the largest healthcare occupation. To join the 165,730 registered nurses in New York, begin training at one of the many RN schools in New York. According to data from May 2009, New York registered nurses earned an hourly median wage of $34.66, or $72,100 per year. In New York, registered nurses earned the highest median salary in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area, the Buffalo area and in Rochester.

To start your career today, get more information from one of the following New York registered nursing schools.

Fast Facts for Registered Nurses in New York

  • Cities with highest percentage of jobs relative to population: Utica, Binghamton and Elmira
  • Cities with lowest percentage of jobs relative to population: Ithaca, Syracuse and New York
  • Cities with the highest absolute number of jobs: New York, Nassau and Buffalo

Salaries for Registered Nurses in New York

  • Metro areas with the highest median salaries: New York, Nassau and Poughkeepsie
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