In the health care industry, every worker plays a vital position. The role of a surgical technician involves everything from preparing the patient to assisting with the actual operation to ensuring the sterility of the surgical environment. These workers are trained professionals who have had some type of schooling in health care. Most surgical techs hold an associate degree or a certification from an accredited program.

Surgical Technology Schools in Minnesota

There are a number of community colleges and technical schools in Minnesota that offer programs in surgical technology. Below are five schools that you may consider. Keep in mind that there are a variety of paths to becoming a surgical technologist, so be sure to research the option that would fit best with your schedule.

  • Anoka Technical College: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree is earned after completion of a 60-credit program. This course involves classroom learning and lectures as well as actual experience working in an operating room.

  • Lake Superior College: The AAS course is offered on campus. Aside from coursework related to the medical aspects of the role, stress is placed on interpersonal communication skills too.

  • Minnesota West Community and Technical College: To earn your AAS, you must spend two years taking this course. It also involves learning interpersonal communication skills and about human psychology.

  • Saint Cloud Technical and Community College: An AAS is awarded to a student after they complete 60 credits over the course of three semesters. Coursework takes place in the classroom and lab.Thereare also clinical experiences.

  • Northland Community and Technical College: Students are given hands-on training through the Fargo VA Healthcare System, Sanford Hospital in Fargo and Altru Hospital in Grand Forks. To finish the program, each student must complete at least 120 surgical cases.

After graduation, you should prepare for the National Certifying Examination for Surgical Technologists to earn your Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) credential.

What to Expect from Surgical Technologist Schools in Minnesota

Given the nature of the job, real-world experience is going to be a big part of any of the surgical tech schools in Minnesota we covered above. Some level of inter personal communication skills may either be a perquisite or covered through coursework (or both).

Other fields you can expect to cover include:

  • Ethics
  • Surgical Procedures
  • Anatomy
  • Microbiology

Be sure you check to see which prerequisites are required by your school of choice before beginning the application process.

Minnesota Surgical Technician Certification

There is no license that is required by surgical technicians in MN. However, it's a good idea to become certified by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA). To do this, you must pass the CST exam. Having this certification is helpful for finding jobs.

Resources for Surgical Technicians in Minnesota

Before you take your exam, be sure to acquaint yourself with the following resources the NBSTSA provides on their website:

There are also helpful reference materials for the CST and all kinds of other information on that site that can help you prepare for the exam. Once you have graduated from your choice of surgical technician schools in Minnesota, it may also help to check their career center for any openings.

Finally, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has some information about surgical technologists in Minnesota that should give you a better understanding of your career prospects.

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Metro Areas Rated for Popularity for:
Surgical Technologists

Listed below are metro areas ranked by the popularity of jobs for Surgical Technologists relative to the population of the city. Salary data was obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2019 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2018-28 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Metro Area
Annual Median Salary
Mankato-North MankatoN/A$58,730
St. Cloud100$59,940


  1. Surgical Technologists, Bureau of Labor Statistics,, accessed October 19, 2016
  2. Surgical Technology Schools in Minnesota,, accessed October 19, 2016
  3. Homepage, NBSTSA, accessed October 19, 2016
  4. How to Become a Surgical Technologist,, accessed October 19, 2016

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