Veterinary assistants perform a support role in veterinary clinics and hospitals, as well as other animal care facilities. They assist veterinarians and veterinary technicians in the medical care of animals, and may also perform other administrative and animal maintenance tasks in the facility. The duties of a veterinary assistant typically involve the daily care of animal patients, including feeding and walking the animals. They are also often responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of animal cages, exam rooms and surgical facilities. Additionally, assistants may assist in medical or surgical procedures, perform laboratory tests, or be responsible for the maintenance of patient charts.

Connecticut Veterinary Assistant Schools

Veterinary assistant programs in Connecticut help prepare students for work as vet assistants by offering a course of study that covers many of the basic skills they'll need to succeed at the job. Programs often result in a certification that recipients may use to demonstrate their vet assistant training.

  • Manchester Community College: Founded in 1963 and located in Hartford County, Manchester Community College enrolls approximately 15,000 students each year, and offers degrees in more than 40 different areas of study. The veterinary assistant program at MCC is accredited by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians of America (NAVTA) and is one of only two programs in New England approved by NAVTA. The program trains students in all aspects of vet assistant responsibilities, including exam procedures, administrative tasks and client interaction.

What to Expect from Connecticut Vet Assistant Programs

Veterinary assistant programs focus on training students in areas of basic animal care. Students typically learn how to care for animals before and after surgical procedures, perform basic first aid and emergency care, and administer medications. They often study maintenance and hygiene procedures, such as the sterilization of surgical and medical equipment. Training may also include administration and patient-facing tasks, such as the maintenance of medical records and techniques for assisting animal owners in veterinary clinics or hospitals.

While enrolled in a veterinary assistant program, students can expect to learn about:

  • Exam room procedures
  • Animal handling procedures
  • Client interaction techniques
  • Administrative procedures
  • Pharmacy and medication requirements
  • Facility maintenance and hygiene

The vet assistant program at Manchester Community College consists of two certification courses, each of which consists of 80 hours of classroom work, with the courses offered over the span of two semesters. After completion of the program with passing grades, students are eligible to take the Veterinary Assistant Examination, a national credentialing exam endorsed by NAVTA.

Connecticut Veterinary Assistant License

Upon successful completion of the Veterinary Assistant Examination, a student receives certification as an Approved Veterinary Assistant. This certification is generally not required for employment as a veterinary assistant, and in Connecticut, there is no legal requirement that vet assistants be certified or licensed in any way. A job candidate with an AVA certification, however, may be preferred by some employers over an uncertified candidate.

Resources for Veterinary Assistants in Connecticut

Metro Areas Rated for Popularity for:
Veterinary Assistants

Listed below are metro areas ranked by the popularity of jobs for Veterinary Assistants relative to the population of the city. Salary data was obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2019 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2018-28 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Metro Area
Annual Median Salary
Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford510$32,870
New Haven240$48,240


  1. Veterinary Assistant Certificate Program, Manchester Community College,
  2. Veterinary Assistants, National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America,
  3. Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Assistants, American Veterinary Medical Association,

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