We have compiled the following school lists that highlight a wide range of factors, including student-teacher ratio, highest female-to-male ratio, lowest in-state tuition, among others. Within these lists you'll find the usual suspects, but many surprises. Happy college hunting!
Best Chance at Getting a Date (High Male/Female and Female/Male Ratios)
Cheapest Schools (Lowest In-State Tuition)
Smartest Schools (Highest SAT scores)
Jock Schools (Most Athletic Scholarships Per Student)
Best (Paid) Professors (Highest Faculty Salaries)
Most Individual Attention (Best Student-Faculty Ratio)
Not From These Parts(Highest Out-of-State Student Ratio)
Colleges "Seniors" (Most Students over 40 Years Old)
Lots of Sleeping Room (Best Dorm Coverage)
Big (Most Students Enrolled)
Highest Minority Ratio
These lists link to thousands of detailed school profiles.