Category | Value |
County | |
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Approximate Latitude | |
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Nearest Weather Stations
Station | MCGRATH AP |
Distance | 21 miles |
Jan Temp | -16 to 2 F |
Apr Temp | 18 to 41 F |
Jul Temp | 50 to 70 F |
Oct Temp | 18 to 32 F |
Annual Precip | 17.5 inches |
Distance | 48.9 miles |
Jan Temp | -13 to 7 F |
Apr Temp | 19 to 41 F |
Jul Temp | 48 to 70 F |
Oct Temp | 15 to 34 F |
Annual Precip | 13.5 inches |
Station | PUNTILLA |
Distance | 89.6 miles |
Jan Temp | -5 to 14 F |
Apr Temp | 14 to 38 F |
Jul Temp | 42 to 64 F |
Oct Temp | 15 to 33 F |
Annual Precip | 18.7 inches |
Mcgrath Community Library 249 F STREET Mcgrath, Alaska (907) 524-3843 |
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