The Yuma economy is powered by the agriculture-forestry-fishing and hunting industry and the public administration, education, healthcare and retail trade sectors. About 24% of the city's workforce have government jobs. The U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground is the primary non-agricultural employer located in Yuma County. The Marine Corps Air Station is one of the busiest air stations of the Marine Corps and is an important part of the economy.
The agricultural industry provides about 90% of the country's winter lettuce crop. The agricultural industry brings in about $1 billion in gross income each year. The over 80,000 winter visitors that make Yuma their winter home significantly bolster the economy. An additional 300,000 visitors come to the city each year which also brings more money and jobs to Yuma.
The Yuma International Airport provides a Foreign Trade Zone which allows business to defer, reduce or eliminate payment of custom duties. Arizona also offers an 80% reduction in the payment of property taxes for businesses situated inside an activated zone.
Notable facts about Yuma: In 2008 the cost of living index was at 86.5 and the national average is 100. The population over 25 years of age that has a bachelor's degree or higher is 16.2%. The average earnings in Yuma in early 2009 was $34,000.
Shown below are some of the primary employers in Yuma:
- U.S. Army Proving Ground
- U.S. Border Control
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- U.S. Marine Corps Air Station
- Tanner Companies
- Yuma Regional Medical Center
- Yuma Elementary School District 1
- City of Yuma
- Yuma Union High School District No 70
- Crane Elementary School District No 13
- Yuma Broadcasting Co
- Walmart
- Yuma County
- Edward Montiel
- JLG Harvesting Inc
- Western Newspapers
- Yuma/La Paz Counties Community College
- Arizona Western College
- Associated Citrus
- Barkley Farms
- Dole Corporation
- Target
- Union Pacific Transportation
Yuma has numerous manufacturing companies. The largest employers in the sector are:
- AMI - Alside Division
- Carrier UTC
- Gowen Milling Manufacturing
- Johnson Controls
- Shaw Industries/Queen Carpets
- Weyerhaeuser
- Allied West Paper
- Alside
- Northwestern Industries
- Superlite Block
The largest employment sectors, in descending order, are provided below:
- Government
- Trade Transportation and Utilities
- Education and Health Services
- Leisure and Hospitality
- Mining and Construction
- Professional and Business Services
- Manufacturing
- Financial Activities
Organizations providing assistance to Yuma companies:
- Yuma County Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Yuma Economic Development Corporation
- Yuma Manufacturers' Association
The Yuma Sun provides up-to-date information regarding the business activities in the Yuma area.