Jonesboro is attractive to companies due to factors such as the low cost of doing business, a viable economy, advantageous tax structure and affordable housing. In addition, the city has more than 100 industrial facilities. The major sectors for employment in Jonesboro are manufacturing, healthcare, trade, education and agriculture.
Some of the most popular occupations in Jonesboro which are primarily filled by college graduates are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, social and human services assistants, accountants and auditors, pharmacists and medical and health services managers. In addition, some of the Jonesboro jobs that pay well are business operations specialists, telecommunications line installers and repairers, teachers, general and operations managers, wholesale and manufacturing representatives and pharmacists.
A collection of notable information regarding the city: Jonesboro Unlimited is part of the Jonesboro Economic Development Corporation and consists of business and professional people who are interested in the economic and industrial growth of the Jonesboro area. In 2008, the cost of living index for Jonesboro was 82. The national average is 100. The median household income in 2007 was $40,000. Regarding the population over the age of 25, about 26% have a bachelor's degree or higher.
Shown below are the primary employers in Jonesboro:
- St. Bernards Medical Center
- Arkansas State University
- Walmart Super Centers
- Jonesboro Public Schools
- NEA Medical Center
- City of Jonesboro
- Nettleton Public Schools
- Nestle Prepared Foods Company
- Post Cereals
- Frito-Lay
- Riceland Foods
- Butterball
- Thomas & Betts
- Great Dane Trailers
- Hytrol
- Nordex USA
- International Paper
- Nice-Pak Products
- Quebecor World
- Nice-Pak
- Alberto-Culver
- Nordex
- Airtex Products
- Delta Consolidated Industries
Business organizations offering assistance to Jonesboro companies:
The Jonesboro Sun provides information about the current business activities in Jonesboro.