Modesto has an agricultural based economy due to the region's fertile farmland. Modesto's economy is bolstered by several prominent wineries including E & J Gallo, which is one of the world's largest wineries. The Gallo Glass Company is one of the largest wine bottle manufacturing companies in the world and provides thousands of manufacturing and office jobs. The food canneries and several steel working facilities also provide numerous jobs in Modesto. The prominent almond factory, the Blue Diamond Growers, and Foster Farms, a major poultry processing plant, are located in the region and provide numerous jobs. In addition, more than 20% of the Modesto workforce is employed outside of the county.
The major sectors for employment are agriculture related industries, healthcare, education, accommodation and food service, social assistance and light manufacturing. About 27% of the workforce are employed in management, professional and related occupations.
Some of the most popular Modesto jobs typically filled by college graduates include registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, accountants and auditors, social and human service assistants, lawyers, sales managers and financial managers. Some of the jobs that are more prevalent in Modesto when compared to the nation's other cities are slaughterers and meat packers, farm workers and laborers, crop, nursery and greenhouse; food batch makers, agricultural and food science technicians, packaging, graders and sorters of agricultural products and agricultural equipment operators.
Noteworthy information regarding Modesto: In 2007 the median household income in Modesto was $47,470. The cost of living index in 2008 was very near the national average. About 16% of the population over the age of 25 have a bachelor's degree or higher.
Shown below are the primary employers in Modesto:
- Carlo Rossi Winery - Wineries (MFRS)
- Copperidge Winery - Wineries (MFRS)
- County of Stanislaus - Social service & welfare organizations
- Del Monte Foods Co - Canning (Manufacturer)
- Doctor's Medical CTR - Hospitals
- E & J Gallo Winery - Wineries (MFRS)
- Ecco Domani Winery - Wineries (MFRS)
- Memorial Hospital - Emergency medical & surgical service
- Memorial Medical CTR - Hospitals
- Modesto Junior College - Education
- Peter Vella Winery - Wineries (MFRS)
- Stanislaus County Community SVC - Government
- Sutter Gould Medical - Physicians & surgeons
- Sutter Gould Medical FNDTN - Diabetes information centers
- Zabaco Winery - Wineries (MFRS)
Modesto companies may obtain assistance by business organizations such as:
The Modesto Bee offers up-to-date information regarding the business activities in Modesto.