The economy is primarily based on insurance, agriculture, livestock and the production of farm seeds. The production of candy and vacuum cleaners are also important factors for the economy. The major sectors for employment in Bloomington are finance and insurance, education, healthcare, accommodation and food services; manufacturing and construction. Computer specialists and business operations specialists are a significant part of the workforce. About 37% of the workforce is employed in management, professional and related occupations. In addition, State Farm Insurance is the city's largest employer.
The largest employers in Bloomington are shown below:
- State Farm Insurance Company
- Illinois State University
- Country Insurance & Financial Services
- BroMenn Healthcare
- Electrolux North America
- Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing
- Unit 5 Schools
- OSF St. Joseph Medical Center
- Afini
- County of McLean
- City of Bloomington
- Walmart Inc
- Verizon Communications
- Illinois Wesleyan University
- Nestle USA
- Heritage Enterprises
- Meijer
- Heartland Community College
- Wildwood Industries/Studley Products Inc
- Growmark Inc
- Bridgestone/Firestone Off-Road Tire Co
- Stark Excavating & Materials
- Chestnut Health Systems
- U.S. Cellular Coliseum
- Beer Nuts
Some of the most popular occupations where the majority of the workers are college graduates are managers, computer system analysts, teachers, registered nurses, management analysts, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, financial analysts, financial managers and lawyers.
Notable information about Bloomington: The city was ranked #50 in's "Best small places for business" list. Regarding the residents over the age of 25, about 40% hold a bachelor's degree or higher. In 2008 the cost of living index in Bloomington was 78.3 which is low when compared to the national average of 100. In 2009 the average salary in Bloomington was $41,000.
Bloomington companies have access to helpful business organizations such as:
- McLean County Chamber of Commerce
- Economic Development Council of the Bloomington-Normal Area
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
The Pantagraph offers current information about the business endeavors in Bloomington.