Although the manufacturing sectors have experienced a decline, manufacturing is still a significant part of Kokomo's economy. The manufacturing of automobile transmissions and other automobile items are significant elements of the local economy. Kokomo also provides jobs for metals and plastic workers, assemblers and fabricators, engineers and production related occupations. Management, professional and related occupations provide about 22% of the jobs in Kokomo.
The city benefits from having a pro-business local and state government. Also, Inventrek Technology Park helps to create new high-tech firms and supports the development of new technologies by local companies.
Kokomo Indiana's top employers are:
- Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Kokomo
- Kokomo Center Township Consolidated School District
- Chrysler LLC
- Delphi Corporation
- Haynes International, Inc
- Holder Mattress
- Howard Community Hospital
- St Joseph Memorial Hospital
- Howard County
- Harbaugh Enterprises Inc
- Staffing Resources Inc
- Syndicate Sales, Inc
- Coca-Cola bottling plant
- Electronic Data Systems
- First National Bank and Trust
- Northwestern School Corp Howard Co
- Vista Bona Programs Inc
- Taylor Community School Building Corporation
- Saber Management LLC
- F D L Inc
- Pizza Hut of Kokomo Inc
- H E Mcgonigal Inc
- Miles & Finch, Inc
Some of the more common jobs in Kokomo where the majority of the workers hold a college degree are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, human resources, training and labor relations specialists; pharmacists, medical and health services managers and financial managers.
Kokomo's primary industries for jobs are:
- Transportation Equipment
- Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Accommodation and food services
- Education
- Government
- Computer and electronic products
- Metal and plastics
- Social services
Pertinent information about Kokomo: Kokomo has been named by Expansion Management Magazine as #1 in the nation for European direct manufacturing investment. Kokomo has also been ranked #1 in the nation for its manufacturing presence by Industry Week. In 2007 the estimated median household income in Kokomo was about $37,000. In 2008 Kokomo's cost of living index was at 78.1 which is low compared to the country's average of 100. Regarding Kokomo's adult population, about 16% hold a bachelor's degree or better.
Some of the helpful business organizations for local companies are:
- Kokomo/Howard County Chamber of Commerce
- Inventrek Technology Park
- Indiana Economic Development Corporation
Kokomo's daily newspaper the Kokomo Tribune is a good resource for local business and industry news.