The primary employment industries in the Michigan City area include manufacturing, education, healthcare, government, leisure and hospitality services and social services. Other prominent employment sectors include finance, metal and metal products; and professional and business services. About 24% of the workers are employed in sales and office jobs. Approximately 21% of the Michigan City workforce is employed in production, transportation and material moving jobs. In addition, jobs are provided by manufacturing companies that produce items such as air compressors, automobile parts and apparel.
The major job providing companies in Michigan City, Indiana are:
- Jaymar-Ruby Inc
- Michigan City Area Schools
- Saint Anthony Memorial Health Centers
- Dwyer Instruments, Inc
- Sullair Corporation
- City of Michigan City
- Lakeshore Foods Corp
- Geberit Manufacturing Inc
- Consolidated Transport Systems, Inc
- Alverno Construction Company LLC
- Tandem Transport Corp
- Horizon Bancorp
- Glennhaven Management Company, Inc
- Filter Specialists, Incorporated
- Paletek, Inc
- Federal-Mogul Ignition Company
- M S Foster & Associates, Inc
- Sprague Devices, Inc
- General Insurance Service Inc
Information of interest regarding Michigan City, Indiana: In 2008 the cost of living index in Michigan City was 79.2. The country's average is 100. Regarding the adult population in Michigan City, approximately 12% hold a bachelor's degree or better. In 2009 the average salary in Michigan City was $28,000.
The Gain Education and Training (GET) organization collaborates with Indiana companies and organizations that create innovative training programs for workers who are currently employed. The Workforce Investment Now organization assists workers in enhancing their skills where there is a large risk of a decrease in the workforce. The Skilled Trade Apprenticeship program helps companies with the training costs associated with industrial trade apprenticeships as well as upgrading the skills of journey persons.
Companies situated in Michigan City may find the following organizations helpful:
- Michigan City Area Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan City Economic Development Corporation
- Indiana Economic Development Corporation
People interested in staying current with local business and industry activities can read the Michigan City News Dispatch Online.