Sioux City serves as a regional base for employment, business, industry and retail trade. The major employment sectors are healthcare, education, manufacturing, accommodation and food services, finance and insurance, computer and electronic products and social assistance. The workforce also includes numerous food processing workers and production related employees. About 22% of the jobs in Sioux City are found in sales and office occupations. In addition, Site Selection magazine has ranked Sioux City MSA #1 in the country for economic development with populations from 50,000 to 200,000.
The Sioux City Economic Development team collaborates with businesses to find qualified employees and to create training and educational opportunities for improving skills.
Common jobs in Sioux City where the majority of the workers are college graduates are registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, teachers, coaches and scouts, management analysts, child, family and school social workers; rehabilitation counselors, financial managers and lawyers.
The top job providing businesses in Sioux City Iowa are:
- Tyson Fresh Meats
- Alorica Inc
- 185th Refueling Wing
- Aalfs Manufacturing
- Beef Products Inc
- Besser International Pipe Machinery
- Chesterman Company
- Great West Casualty Company
- Palmer Candy Company
- Jolly Time Pop Corn
- Sioux City Brick & Tile Company
- Prince Manufacturing Corp
- Sioux City Foundry Co
- Well's Dairy Inc
- Terra Industries Inc
- Wilson Trailer Company
- St. Luke's Regional Medical Center
- Interbake Foods, Inc
- John Morrell & Company
- Kind & Knox Gelatin, Inc
- Mars Petcare US Inc
- Qwest Communications
- Sara Lee Bakery Group
Noteworthy data about Sioux City Iowa: In 2009 the average salary was $29,000. In 2008 the cost of living index in Sioux City was 76.4 which is lower than the nation's average of 100. About 19% of the adult residents hold a bachelor's degree or better.
Companies situated in Sioux City have opportunities to work with organizations such as:
- Siouxland Chamber of Commerce
- Downtown Partners
- Iowa Department of Economic Development
- Iowa Small Business Development Center
People interested in staying up-to-date with Sioux City business activities may want to read the Sioux City Journal