Introduction to Mission, Kansas
Mission, Kansas, in Johnson county, is is 3 miles N of Overland Park, Kansas (center to center) and is 6 miles SW of Kansas City, Missouri. The people of the city are in the Kansas City metropolitan area.
Mission History
Mission is a city in Johnson County, Kansas. Located in the suburbs of Kansas City metro, this first - tier city was a resting stop for wagons moving westward to Fe Trailin the 19th century. Originally called Mission Hill Acres, the city area was owned as a homestead by the Breyfogel family. They divided the city area into numerous plots and finally sold them in the early 20th century. Mission started evolving after 1920 and by 1928 business was booming in the area.
Mission and nearby Attractions
- Thomas Hart Benton Home & Studio
- Clinton State Park
- Wyandotte County Historical Society and Museum
- Harry S. Truman National Historic Site
- Swope Memorial Golf Course
- Hallbrook Country Club
Things To Do In Mission
Strolling around the Clinton State Park can be a pleasant experience. The park also offers facilities for boating, fishing, swimming, and camping. Tourists can also visit the Truman Farm House, which has been preserved as a part of Harry S. Truman National Historic Site. The rolling green of Swope Memorial Golf Course is a natural carpet and is an ideal destination for the golf enthusiasts. One can also try the local delicacies at the Sushi House and Teller’s Restaurant.
Mission Transportation
Air transport is available at Kansas City International Airport.
Mission Higher Education
Higher educational opportunities are provided by Park University, University of Missouri - Kansas City, University of Saint Mary, and Johnson County Community College.