Baton Rouge includes one of the country's largest deep-water ports. The area served by the port flourishes due to the large chemical and industrial complexes. A variety of items are shipped through the port. Petrochemicals is Baton Rouge's largest industry. The Exxon Mobil refinery, situated in the Baton Rouge area, is one of the nation's largest refineries. In addition, the Greater Baton Rouge area includes a significant natural resource basin.
Some of the items produced in Baton Rouge include petrochemicals, plastics, rubber, paper products, wood, concrete, food and scientific instruments.
The major job providing sectors in Baton Rouge are government, tourism, healthcare, professional and business services, education, and finance and insurance. The government is the largest employer.
The Job Training Partnership Act helps companies select applicants, offers training for specific job skills and reimburses industry up to 50% for wages paid.
The following employers are the largest in the Baton Rouge region:
- BASF Wyandotte Corporation
- Baton Rouge General Medical Center
- Dow Chemical Company
- Entergy/Gulf States Utilities
- Exxon Mobil
- Georgia Gulf Corporation
- Harmony Corporation
- The Shaw Group
- East Baton Rouge Paris
- Jacobs
- International Maintenance Corporation
- J.E. Merit Construction, Inc
- Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center
- Bank One
- South Central Bell Telephone
- Turner Industries
- Baton Rouge City Parish Government
- Earl K. Long Memorial Hospital
- East Baton Rouge Parish School Board
- Louisiana State Government
- Louisiana State Penitentiary
- Louisiana State University
- Southern University
- United States Post Office
- NanYa Plastics
Some of the most popular jobs in Baton Rouge which are primarily filled by those with college degrees are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, computer systems analysts, managers, educational, vocational and school counselors; lawyers, engineers and financial managers.
Notable information regarding Baton Rouge Louisiana: The estimated median household income in 2007 was $33,000. Regarding the population over the age of 25, about 32% have earned a bachelor's degree or higher. The cost of living index in Baton Rouge in 2008 was at 87.8 and the country's average is 100.
In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, businesses have opportunities to work with helpful associations such as:
Those interested in staying current on Baton Rouge business and industry activities can read the Baton Rouge Business Report.