Houma includes industries that refine and ship locally produced petroleum, natural gas, sugar and sulfur. Houma is also a center for lumber, seafood products and finance. The top employment sectors in the city are healthcare, mining, construction, accommodation and food services, government and social services. Houma also has numerous metal and plastic workers. Sales and office occupations comprise about 27% of the labor force. About 24% of the workforce is employed in management, professional and related occupations.
The major employers in Houma, Louisiana are:
- Terrebone Parish School Board
- Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc
- Pride Offshore, Inc
- Hospital Service District 1 of Terrebone Parish
- Offshore Drilling Co
- Terrebone Parish Consolidated Government
- Performance Energy Services, LLC
- Chet Morrison Contractors, Inc
- Trico Marine Operators, Inc
- Trico Marine Assets Inc
- Cannata Corporation
- Cenac Towing Co, Inc
- Wood Group Production Services, Inc
- Offshore Speciality Fabricators, Inc
- Delta Towing, LLC
- Cannata's Super Market, Inc
Some of the most common jobs where the majority of the workers are college graduates are teachers, registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, commercial pilots, managers, educational, vocational and school counselors; financial managers, social and human service assistants; and pharmacists.
Pertinent information about Houma Louisiana: In 2009 the average earnings in the city was $29,000. In 2008 the cost of living index in Houma was 81.1 which is low when compared to the country's average of 100. Regarding the adult residents, approximately 14% have achieved a bachelor's degree or better.
In Houma, Louisiana, businesses have opportunities to collaborate with useful associations including:
- Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
- Terrebonne Economic Development Authority
- South Louisiana Economic Council
- Louisiana Economic Development
People interested in keeping up-to-date with local business and industry activities can visit HoumaToday.com.