Lake Charles is a major petrochemical refining center and it's also a popular gaming center. Many of the residents work in the region's petrochemical refineries. Some of the notable companies in the region are Conoco Philips, PPG Industries and Citgo Petroleum Corporation. Manufacturing is also part of the economy. Lake Charles is also home to the Trunkline LNG terminal. In addition, the city is known as the Festival Capital of Louisiana, thus tourism is a significant contributor to the economy.
The Southwest Louisiana Business Incubator offers a variety of support to young businesses. The organization offers facilities, counseling and training. Also, the Fusion Five organization was created by and for young professionals with the goal of changing the economic and social landscape in Southwest Louisiana.
The city's largest job providing sectors include healthcare, education, construction, petrochemicals, accommodation and food services, arts, entertainment and recreation; and social assistance. About 28% of the workforce is comprised of management, professional and related workers. Approximately 24% of the workers are employed in sales and office occupations.
Shown below is a list of the top employers in Lake Charles:
- Calcasieu Veterinary Medical Association, Inc
- MBS Answering Service
- St. Charles Gaming Co, Inc
- PNK (Lake Charles), LLC
- Southwest Louisiana Hospital Association
- Southwest Louisiana Memorial Foundation
- City of Lake Charles
- Christus Health Southwestern Louisiana
- McNeese State University
- Era Helicopters, LLC
- Parish of Calcasieu
- US Unwired Inc
- The American Citidel Guard Inc
- W & R Food Services, Inc
- Turner Industries Group, LLC
- PPG Industries
- CITGO Petroleum Corporation - Lake Charles
- Conoco Phillips
- Westlake Chemical Corporation
- Sasal North America
- AEROFRAME Services
- Dunham Price Group, LLC
- ReCon Management Services
- AT&T
Notable data about Lake Charles, Louisiana: The average earnings in the city in 2009 was $34,000. In 2008 the cost of living index in the city was 83.1 which is low when compared to the national average of 100. Regarding the adult residents, approximately 20% have achieved a bachelor's degree or higher.
Local companies have opportunities to work in partnership with helpful associations including:
- Chamber of Commerce Southwest Louisiana
- Louisiana Association of Business and Industry
- Louisiana Economic Development
People interested in staying up-to-date with local business and industry activities can read the American Press.