Monroe Employment

Employment and Industries in the Monroe, Louisiana Area

Monroe includes numerous manufacturing, banking, healthcare and farm-related companies. Monroe is home to the corporate offices of notable companies such as Chase Manhattan Bank, Vantage Health Plan, Ouachita Fertilizer and Berry Plastics Group. Monroe is also home to CenturyTel, a prominent telecommunications provider. Nearby Angus Chemical, a subsidiary of Dow Chemical, contributes to the region's economy. In addition, the area includes four major hospitals which provide a large number of jobs.

The top job providing sectors in Monroe are healthcare, educational services, accommodation and food services, social services, finance and insurance and the government. About 28% of the jobs in Monroe are found in management, professional and related occupations. Sales and office jobs comprise about 25% of the jobs in Monroe Louisiana.

The Monroe region's top employers are:

  • CenturyTel, Inc
  • Ouachita Parish School Board
  • St Francis Speciality Hospital
  • Monroe City Schools Inc
  • University of Louisiana at Monroe
  • The City of Monroe
  • Century Service Group, LLC
  • Parish of Ouachita
  • Scott Equipment Company, LLC
  • Crystal Willstaff Inc
  • HCA Health Services of Louisiana, Inc
  • Chase Manhattan Bank
  • Vantage Health Plan
  • Ouachita Fertilizer
  • Berry Plastics Group
  • Bancroft Bag
  • Accent Marketing
  • Angus Chemical

Some of the occupations more prevalent in Monroe than most other cities include special education, teachers, secondary school; personal and home care aides; machine feeders and offbearers, production workers; paper goods machine setters, operators and tenders; community and social service specialists; and cooks, institution and cafeteria.

Noteworthy data about Monroe, Louisiana: In 2009 the average earnings of the workforce was $27,000. In 2008 the cost of living index in the city was 82.0 and the national average is 100. Regarding the adult residents, approximately 27% have achieved a bachelor's degree or better.

Monroe businesses are able to work in partnership with helpful associations including:

People interested in learning about local business and industry activities can read the Monroe News Star.

Jobs in Monroe

RankTitleTotal EmployeesLocal Mean Salary (Per Year)Local Mean Salary (Per hour)National Growth % 2014-2024
1All Occupations76570$38,560$18.54100
2Office and Administrative Support Occupations11150$32,870$15.813.75
3Transportation and Material Moving Occupations6740$30,230$14.536.7
4Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations6670$20,950$10.078.7
5Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations5660$65,810$31.645.85
6Educational Instruction and Library Occupations5540$39,280$18.886
7Healthcare Support Occupations5480$23,110$11.112.85
8Production Occupations3860$40,790$19.615.6
9Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations3320$44,700$21.493.75
10Home Health and Personal Care Aides3190$19,450$9.350
11Management Occupations3010$87,810$42.226.35
12Construction and Extraction Occupations2960$39,560$19.024.6
13Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand2930$28,370$13.641.8
14Business and Financial Operations Occupations2920$59,950$28.825.35
15Retail Salespersons2840$22,730$10.932.7
16Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations2620$22,010$10.583.6
18Food Preparation Workers1830$18,680$8.980.5
19Registered Nurses1700$63,270$30.421.95
20Personal Care and Service Occupations1590$24,510$11.784.65
21Office Clerks, General1570$24,940$11.991.9
22Community and Social Service Occupations1530$43,430$20.881.75
23Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners1470$21,790$10.481.5
24Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive1330$29,390$14.131.4
25Fast Food and Counter Workers1310$19,710$9.482.45
26Waiters and Waitresses1130$18,790$9.031.65
27Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses1050$39,760$19.120.5
28General and Operations Managers1040$90,260$43.41.5
29First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers1010$46,430$22.320.95
30Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks970$37,860$18.21.05
31Stockers and Order Fillers960$23,100$11.111.25
32Customer Service Representatives910$30,140$14.491.75
33Nursing Assistants900$22,380$10.760.95
34Maintenance and Repair Workers, General870$34,810$16.730.9
35First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers770$33,680$16.190.95
36Architecture and Engineering Occupations760$77,460$37.241.7
37Loan Interviewers and Clerks680$33,610$16.160.1
38Light Truck Drivers670$30,800$14.810.6
39Receptionists and Information Clerks670$28,040$13.480.7
40Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers650$36,540$17.571.2
41Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products640$56,850$27.330.85
42Computer and Mathematical Occupations630$72,700$34.953
43Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners570$18,140$8.720.9
44First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers540$34,720$16.690.6
45Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants520$39,730$19.10.35
46Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations500$47,290$22.741.8
47Accountants and Auditors480$68,570$32.970.9
48Cooks, Restaurant480$21,910$10.540.9
49Legal Occupations470$54,080$260.8
50Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers450$37,840$18.190.4
51Childcare Workers440$19,100$9.180.7
52Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers420$46,180$22.20.3
53First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers400$58,020$27.890.4
54Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers400$60,490$29.080.1
55Production Workers, All Other380$31,350$15.070.15
58Construction Laborers350$31,990$15.380.9
59Dental Assistants350$31,510$15.150.2
61Industrial Machinery Mechanics340$52,960$25.460.2
62Personal Service Managers, All Other; Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling; and Managers, All Other320$72,870$35.030.7
63Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors310$55,260$26.570.2
64Insurance Sales Agents310$47,920$23.040.3
65Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters310$46,880$22.540.3
66Billing and Posting Clerks300$34,990$16.820.3
67Helpers--Production Workers300$34,690$16.680.2
68Sales Representatives of Services, Except Advertising, Insurance, Financial Services, and Travel300$39,960$19.210.7
69Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other290$34,730$16.70.1
70First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers290$58,160$27.960.3
71Medical Assistants290$30,390$14.610.45
72Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors290$42,140$20.260.2
73Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers280$22,610$10.870.75
74Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations280$58,000$27.890.8
76Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment270$19,020$9.140.3
77First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers260$56,700$27.260.4
78First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers, Except Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors260$43,160$20.750.3
79Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators260$50,430$24.250.8
80Paralegals and Legal Assistants250$39,640$19.060.2
81Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks250$28,010$13.470.4
82Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators240$35,900$17.260.4
83Recreation Workers240$21,170$10.180.3
84Counter and Rental Clerks230$26,720$12.850.3
85Medical Dosimetrists, Medical Records Specialists, and Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other230$35,350$170
86Medical and Health Services Managers230$85,570$41.140.3
87Nurse Practitioners220$82,620$39.720.1
88Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators220$36,320$17.460.25
90Pharmacy Technicians220$31,960$15.370.3
91Postal Service Mail Carriers220$51,010$24.520.2
92Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics210$38,150$18.340.5
95Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians200$51,710$24.860.2
96Financial Managers200$101,090$48.60.4
97Social and Human Service Assistants200$27,790$13.360.3
98Correctional Officers and Jailers190$35,230$16.940.25
100First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service and Entertainment and Recreation Workers, Except Gambling Services190$40,620$19.530.2
Source: 2019 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2018-28 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
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Monroe Colleges
Monroe colleges and trade schools.

Jobs More Common Near Monroe Than Most Other Cities

* Average job popularity for metro areas = 1.0

TitleMean Local SalaryLocal Jobs
All Occupations$38,56076,570
Office and Administrative Support Occupations$32,87011,150
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations$30,2306,740
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations$20,9506,670
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations$65,8105,660
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations$39,2805,540
Healthcare Support Occupations$23,1105,480
Production Occupations$40,7903,860
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations$44,7003,320
Home Health and Personal Care Aides$19,4503,190
Management Occupations$87,8103,010
Construction and Extraction Occupations$39,5602,960
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand$28,3702,930
Business and Financial Operations Occupations$59,9502,920
Retail Salespersons$22,7302,840
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations$22,0102,620
Food Preparation Workers$18,6801,830
Registered Nurses$63,2701,700
Personal Care and Service Occupations$24,5101,590
Office Clerks, General$24,9401,570
Community and Social Service Occupations$43,4301,530
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners$21,7901,470
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive$29,3901,330
Fast Food and Counter Workers$19,7101,310
Waiters and Waitresses$18,7901,130
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses$39,7601,050
General and Operations Managers$90,2601,040
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers$46,4301,010
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks$37,860970
Stockers and Order Fillers$23,100960
Customer Service Representatives$30,140910
Nursing Assistants$22,380900
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General$34,810870
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers$33,680770
Architecture and Engineering Occupations$77,460760
Loan Interviewers and Clerks$33,610680
Light Truck Drivers$30,800670
Receptionists and Information Clerks$28,040670
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers$36,540650
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products$56,850640
Computer and Mathematical Occupations$72,700630
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners$18,140570
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers$34,720540
Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants$39,730520
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations$47,290500
Accountants and Auditors$68,570480
Cooks, Restaurant$21,910480
Legal Occupations$54,080470
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers$37,840450

Work Paying Relatively Well in the Monroe, Louisiana Metro Area (2008 data)

* Average Salary Index for metro areas = 1.0

TitleMean Local SalaryLocal Jobs
All Occupations$38,56076,570
Office and Administrative Support Occupations$32,87011,150
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations$30,2306,740
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations$65,8105,660
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations$39,2805,540
Production Occupations$40,7903,860
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations$44,7003,320
Management Occupations$87,8103,010
Construction and Extraction Occupations$39,5602,960
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand$28,3702,930
Business and Financial Operations Occupations$59,9502,920
Registered Nurses$63,2701,700
Community and Social Service Occupations$43,4301,530
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive$29,3901,330
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses$39,7601,050
General and Operations Managers$90,2601,040
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers$46,4301,010
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks$37,860970
Customer Service Representatives$30,140910
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General$34,810870
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers$33,680770
Architecture and Engineering Occupations$77,460760
Loan Interviewers and Clerks$33,610680
Light Truck Drivers$30,800670
Receptionists and Information Clerks$28,040670
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers$36,540650
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products$56,850640
Computer and Mathematical Occupations$72,700630
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers$34,720540
Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants$39,730520
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations$47,290500
Accountants and Auditors$68,570480
Legal Occupations$54,080470
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers$37,840450
Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers$46,180420
First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers$58,020400
Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers$60,490400
Production Workers, All Other$31,350380
Construction Laborers$31,990350
Dental Assistants$31,510350
Industrial Machinery Mechanics$52,960340
Personal Service Managers, All Other; Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling; and Managers, All Other$72,870320
Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors$55,260310
Insurance Sales Agents$47,920310
Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters$46,880310
Billing and Posting Clerks$34,990300
Helpers--Production Workers$34,690300

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