Cumberland, Maryland is regarded as a regional business and commercial center. Western Maryland Health System is the largest employer in Cumberland. Coal mining, manufacturing and outdoor recreation are significant economic factors in the Cumberland area.
Cumberland's significant job providing segments include healthcare, government, social services, accommodation and food services, education, finance and insurance, and manufacturing. Sales and office occupations comprise approximately 27% of the labor force. Management, professional and related jobs comprise about 23% of the workforce. About 18% of the jobs are provided by the government.
Some of the most popular occupations filled by those with a college degree are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, probation officers and correctional treatment specialists; pharmacists; child, family and school social workers; education administrators, physical therapists, and education training and library workers.
The Cumberland region's significant employers include:
- Western Maryland Health System
- Allegany County Government
- Allegany College of Maryland
- City of Cumberland
- CBIZ Accounting, Tax & Advisory of Maryland
- Hunter Douglas
- American Woodmark
- Biederlack of America
- Western Correctional Institution
- The Kelly Springfield Tire Company
- Board of Education of Allegany County
- Schwab Company, Incorporated
- Carl Belt Inc
- Cbiz Insurance Services, Inc
- Beverly Enterprises-Maryland Inc
- Richlen Company LLC
- Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission, Inc
Pertinent data about Cumberland, Maryland: In 2009 the average earnings in Cumberland was $25,000. The cost of living index in Cumberland in 2008 was 77.3 which is lower than the country's average of 100. For the population 25 years of age and older, about 13% have achieved a bachelor's degree or better.
Cumberland companies have opportunities to work with useful organizations such as:
- Allegany County Chamber of Commerce
- Allegany County Economic Development
- Small Business Administration - Maryland
- Maryland Economic Development Association
Cumberland Times News provides information regarding Cumberland business and industry activities.