The Salisbury economy includes industries such as poultry processing, electronic component manufacturing, agriculture, microwave filters, pharmaceuticals, shipbuilding and furniture. Salisbury is also a regional commercial center. The city is home to Perdue Farms, a major multi-national poultry company. In addition, the Peninsula Regional Medical Center employs more residents of Salisbury than any other company.
The major job providing segments in Salisbury are healthcare, educational services, accommodation and food services, manufacturing, poultry processing, government and social assistance.
Notable employers located in Salisbury are shown below:
- Perdue Farms
- Sharp Water
- Lorch Microwave
- Harvard Custom Manufacturing
- Toroid Corporation
- Navtrac Inc
- MaTech Inc
- Americhem
- Spartech Polycom FCD
- Plymouth Tube
- Chesapeake Shipbuilding
- Silverton Marine
- Trinity Sterile
- Tischcon Corporation
- Powerwave Technologies
- Salisbury University
- Peninsula Regional Medical Center
- Verizon
Some of the popular jobs primarily filled by those with college degrees include registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, teachers, social and human service assistants, lawyers, financial managers; educational, vocational and school counselors; rehabilitation counselors and network and computer systems administrators.
Pertinent data about Salisbury, Maryland: In 2007 the estimated household income was $39,000. The cost of living index in Salisbury in 2008 was 86.2. The nation's average is 100. Approximately 21% of the adult residents have a bachelor's degree or better.
Salisbury businesses are invited to work with useful organizations such as:
- Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce
- Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development
- Small Business Administration - Maryland
- Maryland Economic Development Association
The Daily Times provides up-to-date local business news.