The Brockton, Massachusetts economy is primarily service-oriented, with government, retail stores and hospitals being among the top employers. Light manufacturing, construction, accommodation and food services, social assistance; professional, scientific and technical services; and finance and insurance also provide employment. About 26% of the Brockton labor force is employed in sales and office jobs. Service occupations provide about 25% of the jobs and management, professional and related occupations comprise about 22% of the workforce.
Brockton, Massachusetts has a long tradition of utilizing public-private partnerships to sustain economic development. Also, the Brockton Area Workforce Investment Board along with its vendor, Career Works, helps businesses and also assists in training the workforce.
Brockton's top employers are shown below:
- City of Brockton
- Brockton Hospital Inc
- Brockton Health Corporation
- W B Mason Co., Inc
- Caritas Good Samaritan Medical Center
- Massasoit Community College
- Old Colony Y
- Enterprise Publishing Company LLC
- Brockton Area Multi-Services, Inc
- VKO, Inc
- Brockton Public School District
- South Bay Mental Health Trust
- Jones & Vining, Inc
- Homemaker Industries, Inc
- Harborone Credit Union
- Bridgewater Goddard Park Medical Associates, Inc
- Plymouth and Brockton Street Railway Company
- Barbour Corporation
- MicroWire Products
- Concord Foods Inc
Jobs more prevalent in Brockton when compared to most other cities are food cooking machine operators and tenders; medical transcriptionists, meeting and convention planners, mechanical engineering technicians, personal care and service workers; and counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession and coffee shop workers.
Noteworthy information regarding Brockton, Massachusetts: The cost of living index in the city in 2008 was at 126.6 which is higher than the country's average of 100. For the population over the age of 25, about 14% have achieved a bachelor's degree or better. In 2009, the average salary in Brockton was $33,000.
Local businesses are offered assistance from associations such as:
- Metro South Chamber of Commerce
- Montello Business Association of Brockton
- Massachusetts Economic Development Council
- MassEcon: Massachusetts Alliance for Economic Development
People interested in staying current with local business and industry news may want to read the Enterprise.