Haverhill Employment

Employment and Industries in the Haverhill, Massachusetts Area

Services and retail trade are major economic factors for Haverhill, Massachusetts. The largest job providing sectors in Haverhill, are healthcare, educational services, retail, computer and electronic products, construction; professional, scientific and technical services; manufacturing, and accommodation and food services.

Approximately 33% of the labor force is working in management, professional and related occupations. Sales and office workers comprise about 26% of the labor force and about 16% of the workers are found in production, transportation and material moving occupations.

Some of the most common jobs where the majority of the employees hold a college degree are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, financial managers, social and human service assistants, computer applications software engineers, occupational therapists, computer systems software engineers and physical therapists.

Haverhill's major job providers are:

  • City of Haverhill
  • Donut Management, Inc
  • North Essex Community College
  • Globalware Solutions, Inc
  • Corporate Chefs Inc
  • Essent Healthcare of Massachusetts
  • Pentucket Medical Associates, LLC
  • Whittier Hospital Management, Inc
  • Landmark Health Solutions, LLC
  • HDH Corporation
  • HVL Corporation
  • Penacook Place Inc
  • JPC Pasta Company LLC
  • Whittier School District
  • Covanta Haverhill Inc
  • Jaffarian's Service Inc
  • Universal Logistics Services, Inc
  • G&C Concrete Construction Company

Pertinent information regarding Haverhill, Massachusetts: In 2008 the cost of living index was at 119.8 which is higher than the nation's average of 100. Regarding the adult residents, approximately 23% have achieved a bachelor's degree or better. In 2009 the average earning's in Haverhill was $36,000.

Haverhill companies can team up with helpful organizations such as:

Haverhill's newspaper the Haverhill Gazette is a good resource for local business and industry news.

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Haverhill Colleges
Haverhill colleges and trade schools.

Jobs More Common Near Haverhill Than Most Other Cities

* Average job popularity for metro areas = 1.0

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Work Paying Relatively Well in the Haverhill, Massachusetts Metro Area (2008 data)

* Average Salary Index for metro areas = 1.0

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