Lawrence Employment

Employment and Industries in the Lawrence, Massachusetts Area

Manufacturing, services and trade are integral parts of the Lawrence economy. Jobs are provided by companies that produce items such as electronics, computers, paper products, food stuffs and textiles. The leading employment sectors are manufacturing, educational services, healthcare, accommodation and food services, and social assistance.

Approximately 34% of the workers are employed in production, transportation and material moving occupations. About 30% of the labor force is comprised of sales and office workers and about 22% of the workers are found in service jobs.

In addition, via the Merrimack Valley Regional Employment Board, businesses have the opportunity to receive financial assistance for training and re-training of employees.

The following is a list of Lawrence's largest employers:

  • City of Lawrence
  • Lawrence General Hospital
  • Lawrence General Regional Health System Inc
  • North Essex Community College Lawrence
  • Polartec LLC
  • Home Health Foundation Inc
  • Greater Lawrence Family Health Center
  • The Gem Group Inc
  • Merrimack Valley Young Men's Christian Association Inc
  • Janitech, Inc
  • Valentine & Kebartas, Inc
  • Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc
  • MI Nursing/Restorative Center Inc
  • Fidelity House, Inc
  • Sekisui Voltek, LLC
  • Abel Womack, Inc
  • Brodie, Inc
  • New England Affiliated Technology
  • Robert Able Company

Some of the occupations more common in Lawrence than most other cities are hazardous material removal workers, rehabilitation counselors, food batch makers; pressers, textile, garment and related materials workers; government programs eligibility workers; medical secretaries; and social and community service managers.

Noteworthy data about Lawrence, Massachusetts: In 2009 the average salary in Lawrence was $30,000. In 2008 the cost of living index was 142.6 which is very high. The nation's average is 100. Regarding the population over the age of 25, about 10% have a bachelor's degree or better.

Lawrence businesses have opportunities to work in partnership with helpful organizations including:

Eagle provides information about local business and industry activities.

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Jobs More Common Near Lawrence Than Most Other Cities

* Average job popularity for metro areas = 1.0

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Work Paying Relatively Well in the Lawrence, Massachusetts Metro Area (2008 data)

* Average Salary Index for metro areas = 1.0

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