The major industries in Flint, Michigan are educational services, healthcare, social assistance and manufacturing. The auto industry has experienced a major decline, however it still contributes to the local economy. The leading employment sectors in Flint include healthcare, educational services, manufacturing, construction, transportation equipment, accommodation and food services, and social assistance. Production, transportation and material moving workers comprise 21% of the labor force.
Some of the most popular occupations in Flint where the majority of the workers are college graduates include registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives; child, family and school social workers; education, training and library workers; social and human service assistants; industrial engineers, pharmacists, physical therapists; and medical and health services managers.
The following is a list of Flint's leading employers:
- General Motors
- Genesys Health System
- McLaren Medical Center
- Hurley Medical Center
- Genesee County
- City of Flint
- Meijers
- Citizens Bank
- Flint Community Schools
- Delphi
- Baker College
- A I Flint, LLC
- Genesee Intermediate School District
- Charles Stewart Mott Community College
- Miller Apple LTD Partnership
- Carman Ainsworth Community Schools
- Beecher Community Schools
Noteworthy data about Flint Michigan: In 2009 the average salary in Flint was $30,000. In 2008 the cost of living index in the city was 77.7 which is lower than the national average of 100. Regarding the adult population, about 11% have earned a bachelor's degree or better.
Local companies may work in partnership with useful organizations including:
- Flint Area Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center
The Flint Journal provides current information on the local economy and the business community.