Holland Employment

Employment and Industries in the Holland, Michigan Area

The primary industries for Holland's economy are manufacturing, education, health services and the government. The leading employment segments in Holland Michigan are education, transportation equipment, furniture and related products, manufacturing, healthcare and accommodation and food services. The city also has numerous metal and plastic workers.

Management, professional and related occupations comprise about 28% of the workforce. Production, transportation and material moving workers comprise approximately 25% of the labor force. About 23% of the labor force consists of sales and office workers.

Some of the common occupations filled by those with college degrees in Holland, Michigan are registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives; teachers, engineers, financial managers, coaches and scouts; sales managers and computer programmers.

Holland Michigan's leading employers are provided below:

  • Johnson Controls Interiors LLC
  • USF Holland Inc
  • Haworth International, LTD
  • Haworth, Inc
  • Magna Electronics, Inc
  • Holland Community Hospital Inc
  • S 2 Yachts, Inc
  • Russ' of Holland Inc
  • West Ottawa Schools
  • Bld Products, Inc
  • Hope College, Inc
  • Prince Group, LLC
  • Enviro-Clean Building Maintenance Services
  • City of Holland
  • Macatawa Bank Corporation
  • Request Foods, Inc
  • Saf-Holland, Inc
  • Global Concepts Enterprise, Inc
  • Groupe Lacasse LLC
  • Lighthouse - Keuning Insurance Group, Inc

Noteworthy information regarding Holland Michigan: Named in the Kiplinger Personal Finance Magazine's "50 Smart Places to Live" list. About 27% of the adult residents hold a bachelor's degree or higher. In 2008 the cost of living index was 81.0 which is lower than the country's average of 100. The average earnings in the city in 2009 was $31,000.

Some of the organizations providing assistance to Holland Michigan companies are:

The Holland Sentinel provides up-to-date information about the business activities in the Holland Michigan area.

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Additional Details

Holland Colleges
Holland colleges and trade schools.

Jobs More Common Near Holland Than Most Other Cities

* Average job popularity for metro areas = 1.0

TitleMean Local SalaryLocal Jobs

Work Paying Relatively Well in the Holland, Michigan Metro Area (2008 data)

* Average Salary Index for metro areas = 1.0

TitleMean Local SalaryLocal Jobs

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