The Muskegon region's economy is bolstered by numerous advanced manufacturing companies, specializing in plastics, metals and alternative energy. Jobs are also provided by other manufacturing industries including automotive, aerospace, defense and related industries, and office furniture.
A large number of the jobs in Muskegon, Michigan are found in the fields of healthcare, metal and metal products, transportation equipment, education, accommodation and food services, social services, and furniture and related products. About 27% of the labor force is employed in production, transportation and material moving occupations. Sales and office workers comprise about 22% of the workforce.
Facts regarding Muskegon Michigan: In 2008 the cost of living in Muskegon was 77.9 which is low when compared to the national average of 100. In 2009 the average earnings in the city was $26,000. About 9% of the residents over the age of 25 have earned a bachelor's degree or better.
The leading employers in the Muskegon area are provided below:
- Alcoa-Howmet - Aerospace components manufacturing
- L3 Communications - Armored vehicle manufacturing
- Johnson Technologies - Turbine engine components manufacturing
- Kaydon Corp - Precision bearings
- Consumers Energy - Power plant
- Mahle - Piston rings - aerospace
- West Michigan Steel
- Brunswick - Bowling products
- Cannon-Muskegon Corporation - Specialty alloys
- Wesco, Inc
- Nugent Sand
- Cole's Foods - Frozen Foods
- Reid Supply Company
- Michigan's Adventure - Amusement Park
- Anderson Global
- Mercy Health Partners - Healthcare
- Knoll Inc
- PrimeStar Solar
Some of the most common jobs held by college graduates include registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives; child, family and social workers; industrial engineers, mechanical engineers, pharmacists, sales managers, coaches and scouts, and computer programmers.
Some of the organizations that offer information and help to Muskegon businesses are:
- Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center
The Muskegon Chronicle is read by those that want to stay up-to-date with the local business community.