Although the Saginaw region's manufacturing industry has experienced a decline, the diversified manufacturing base is still an important part of the region's economy. Agriculture is also an integral element of the area's economy. In addition, the county includes a growing medical device and technology industry and includes numerous jobs in healthcare.
Specifics regarding Saginaw Michigan: In 2007 the estimated median household income was $30,000. The cost of living index in Saginaw in 2008 was 75.8 which is low when compared to the national average of 100. Regarding the adult population, about 10% have a bachelor's degree or higher.
The region's top employers are shown below:
- Dow Chemical Company
- Delphi
- Covenant HealthCare
- Mid Michigan Medical Center
- St. Mary's of Michigan
- Bay Regional Medical Center
- General Motors Powertrain (Saginaw)
- Midland Public Schools
- Saginaw Public Schools
- AT&T
- Dow Corning Corporation
- Bay City Public Schools
- Franenmuth Bavarian Inn
- Hemlock Semiconductor
- Meijer (Saginaw)
- Delta College
- County of Saginaw
- Michigan Sugar Company
- Zehnder's of Frankenmuth
- Saginaw Valley State University
Some of the most common occupations where the majority of the workers are college graduates are accountants and auditors, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, industrial engineers, teachers, child, family and school social workers; medical and health services managers; social and human service assistants; pharmacists, and human resources, training and labor relations specialists.
The Saginaw region's leading employment sectors are:
- Healthcare
- Educational services
- Manufacturing
- Transportation equipment
- Government
- Accommodation and food services
- Social assistance
- Finance and insurance
Local companies seeking assistance can contact:
- Saginaw Michigan Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center
People interested in the Saginaw region's business activities can visit Michigan Live.