Warren, Michigan is home to the General Motors Technical Center, the United States Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command, the Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center and the National Automotive Center. Warren also includes the headquarters of Big Boy Restaurants International, Asset Acceptance and Campbell Ewald.
The leading employment segments in Warren are healthcare, manufacturing, social assistance, transportation equipment, accommodation and food services, educational services, construction, and professional, scientific and technical services. Workers in management, professional and related occupations have a combined 26% of the jobs in Warren. Sales and office occupations provide 21% of the local jobs.
Warren's significant employers are shown below:
- St John Health Corporation
- MSX International, Inc
- Detroit-Macomb Hospital Corporation
- Centra
- Logistics Insight Corp
- TI Group Automotive Systems, LLC
- TI Automotive Inc
- Macomb Community College Foundation
- Asset Acceptance Capital Corp
- Warren Consolidated School District
- Big Boy Restaurants International
- Van Art Furniture Inc
- AZ Automotive Corp
- AAC Investors Inc
- Adventist Midwest Health
- Petsmart
- JP Morgan Chase
- Production Tool and Supply Company
Some of the most common jobs in Warren held by those with a college degree are registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, mechanical engineers, industrial engineers, computer systems analysts, teachers, computer programmers and management analysts.
Facts about Warren Michigan: In 2008 the cost of living index was at 87.1 and the national average is 100. In 2009 the average earnings of workers in Warren was $40,000. Regarding the adult population, 14% have earned a bachelor's degree or better.
Local companies looking for assistance can contact these helpful organizations:
- Macomb County Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center
The Macomb Daily is read by those that want to keep current with the local business community.