Edison includes one of New Jersey's largest industrial parks, the Raritan Center. Some of the noteworthy companies located in the city are Ford Motor Co., United Parcel Service, New York Times, Etienne Aigner, William Grant & Sons, Wakefern Foods and Revlon Research Center. Employment is provided in manufacturing industries such as industrial machinery, electrical appliances and automobile parts.
Facts about Edison, New Jersey: In 2008 the cost of living index was at 124.3 which is high when compared to the country's average of 100. Regarding the adult population, 42% have achieved a bachelor's degree or higher. In 2009 the average salary in Edison was $51,000.
Edison's primary fields of employment include professional, scientific and technical services, finance and insurance, chemicals, healthcare, construction and educational services. The city also includes numerous computer specialists. Management, professional and related occupations (49% of the workforce). Sales and office occupations (24% of the workforce).
Edison has numerous popular jobs where the majority of the workers are college graduates such as registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, computer software engineers, computer programmers, computer systems analysts, financial managers, and computer and information systems managers.
Some of the significant employers in Edison and nearby are:
- Amper, Politziner & Mattia
- ATTIC Technologies, Inc
- Caresoft Inc
- Identserv
- Marlabs
- Tech Democracy
- Wakefern Foods
- Johnson & Johnson
- Medco Health Solutions
- Prudential Financial
- Lockheed Martin
- JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute
- MetLife
- Time Warner
- JP Morgan Chase
- United Parcel Service
- Etienne Aigner
Edison businesses can work in partnership with helpful organizations such as:
- Edison Chamber of Commerce
- New Jersey Economic Development Authority
- New Jersey Small Business Development Centers
The Star-Ledger is a good resource for those interested in staying current with local business and industry activities.