Goldsboro, North Carolina is home to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The city is a tobacco market and includes manufacturing sectors such as furniture, textiles, automotive parts and food products. The primary fields of employment in Goldsboro are government, healthcare, educational services, accommodation and food services, social services and manufacturing. Management, professional and related occupations comprise 28% of the workforce. Sales and office occupations comprise 22% of the labor force. Service jobs provide 18% of the jobs in Goldsboro.
In Goldsboro, there are a number of jobs where the majority of the workers are college graduates including registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, social and human service assistants, child, family and school social workers; financial managers, sales managers, educational, vocational and school counselors; and pharmacists.
Notable information regarding Goldsboro, North Carolina: Regarding the adult residents, 17% have a bachelor's degree or higher. In 2008 the cost of living index was at 81 (National average: 100). In 2009 the average earnings in Goldsboro was $24,000.
A list of notable job providers located in Goldsboro is provided below:
- Southco Distributing Company
- Wayne Health Corporation
- Wayne Memorial Hospital Inc
- Maxwell Farms Inc
- R A Jeffreys Distributing
- Simmons Inc, DS
- Glenoit Universal, LTD
- Wayne Oil Company, Inc
- Wayne County Public Schools
- Skill Creations, Inc
- AP Exhaust Products, Inc
- Maxwell Foods, Inc
- Franklin Baking Company, LLC
- Seegars Fence Company, Inc
- Turkington USA LLC
- Talton & Sons, Inc
- UAG of Goldsboro, Inc
Helpful associations that are available to work with Goldsboro businesses include:
- Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
- North Carolina Economic Developers Association, Inc
- Manufacturers and Chemical Industry Council of North Carolina
The Goldsboro News-Argus Online Edition provides readers with current information regarding the local business community.