Wilmington is part of North Carolina's research coast, one of the nation's largest and most successful research centers. Wilmington's industrial base includes sectors such as medical, electrical, clothing, electronic and telecommunications equipment, paper products and food processing. Wilmington is also home to EUE Screen Gems Studios, one of the largest TV and movie production facilities outside of California.
The primary employment segments in Wilmington are healthcare, educational services, construction, accommodation and food services, professional, scientific and professional services and social assistance.
Wilmington has numerous jobs where the majority of the workers are college graduates including registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, management analysts, financial managers; child, family and school social workers; social and human service assistants and sales managers.
Facts regarding Wilmington, North Carolina: For the population 25 years of age and older, 31% have a bachelor's degree or better. In 2008 the cost of living index was at 94.6 (national average: 100). In Wilmington, the median household income in 2007 was $40,000.
The top employers located in Wilmington, North Carolina:
- New Hanover Regional Medical Center/Cape Fear Hospital
- New Hanover County Schools
- General Electric
- University of NC Wilmington
- PPD, Inc
- New Hanover County
- Verizon Wireless
- City of Wilmington
- Walmart
- Progress Energy
- Corning, Inc
- AAIPharma
- DEL Laboratories
- International Paper
- Wachovia
- LL Building Products
- KoSa
- Louisiana Pacific Corp
- Star News
- Invista
- Bedford Fair Industries
- International Paper Carton Div
- Elementis Chromium LP
- Castle Branch
- Chemtex Engineers
Local businesses are invited to work with helpful associations such as:
- Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
- Wilmington Industrial Development Inc
- North Carolina Economic Developers Association, Inc
- Manufacturers and Chemical Industry Council of North Carolina
The Star News Online offers information regarding the latest business endeavors in Wilmington, North Carolina.