Some of the prominent companies with facilities in the Youngstown region include Delphi, WCI Steel Plant, Packard Electric Systems, Exal Corporation and V&M Star Steel Company. Although the steel industry in Youngstown is not as significant as it was in the past, the city is the site of several steel and metalworking facilities. A nearby General Motor's plant is the region's largest industrial employer. In addition, Youngstown is the site of the prominent Turning Technologies, a notable software company.
Facts about Youngstown, Ohio: Regarding the adult residents, 10% have a bachelor's degree or higher. The estimated median household income in 2007 was $25,000. In 2008 the cost of living index in the city was at 74.9 (national average: 100).
The city's primary employers:
- Youngstown State University
- Humility of Mary Health Partners
- Forge Industries, Inc
- Forum Health
- V&M Star Steel Company
- Schwebel Baking Company
- Corrections Corporation of America
- Infocision Management Corporation
- North Star Steel Ohio
- JC Penney Corporation, Inc
- Exal Corporation
- Roth Bros, Inc
- Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services
- Bomaine Corporation
- Electronic Data Systems Corporation
- United States Postal Service
- B J Alan Company
- Delphi
- Packard Electric Systems
- WCI Steel Plant
The leading fields of employment in Youngstown:
- Healthcare
- Metal and metal products
- Accommodation and food services
- Government
- Educational services
- Social assistance
Youngstown includes a number of occupations which are mostly filled by those with college degrees including registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, human resources, training and labor relations specialists; medical and public health social workers; social and human service assistants, medical and health services managers and physical therapists.
Local companies looking for assistance can contact these helpful associations:
- Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber
- Youngstown Office of Economic Development
- Ohio Economic Development Association
- The Ohio Small Business Association provides information about local business endeavors.