The Sumter region includes over 50 diversified industries. Some of the sectors with a significant presence in Sumter are fabric printing, food processing, hand tools, furniture, electrical equipment, clothing, chemicals and medical apparatuses. The employees of the manufacturing companies earn on average 20% more than the service-sector employees.
Healthcare, education services and social services also have important roles in the economy. In addition, Shaw Air Force Base is nearby and is a major employer. Also, Forbes named Sumter the 44th best small metropolitan area in the country to do business and to advance a career.
The leading job providing segments in Sumter are educational services, healthcare, government, accommodation and food services, construction, textile mills and textile products, and finance and insurance. Management, professional and related occupations (28% of the jobs). Sales and office occupations (24% of the labor force). Production, transportation and material moving occupations (17% of the workforce).
Notable details about Sumter, South Carolina: Adult population holding a bachelor's degree: 23%. The cost of living index in 2008: 81.1. Average earnings in Sumter: $25,000.
The largest employers in the Sumter region:
- Shaw Air Force Base - Military
- Pilgrims Pride Poultry processing
- Tuomey Healthcare System - Hospital
- Sumter School Districts
- Becton Dickinson - Medical supplies manufacturer
- Santee Print Works - Textiles manufacturers
- Sumter County Government - Government
- City of Sumter - Government
- Eaton Electrical (Cutler-Hammer) - Electrical manufacturer
- Walmart - Retail
- Cooper Hand Tools - Tools manufacturer
- Security Management of SC - Personal services
- Central Carolina Tech. College - Education
- SAFE Federal Credit Union - Credit union
- SC Dept. of Disb., & Special Needs - Government
- Color-Fi, Inc - Plastics manufacturer
- Interlake Material Handling - Pallet rack manufacturer
In Sumter, there are numerous jobs where the majority of the workers have college degrees including registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives; child, family and school social workers; pharmacists, electrical engineers, network systems and data communications analysts, and medical and health services managers.
Some of the helpful organizations that provide assistance to local businesses are:
- The Greater Sumter Chamber of Commerce
- Sumter Economic Development
- South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance
- South Carolina Economic Developers' Association
- Small Business Administration - South Carolina
The The Item provides news regarding business and the economy in Sumter, South Carolina.