West Tennessee Healthcare is the largest employer in Jackson, Tennessee. The important industries in Jackson are agriculture, flooring, food processing, power tools, air compressors and appliances. Healthcare and education also have important economic roles.
In Jackson, the leading employment providing segments are healthcare, educational services, construction, accommodation and food services, metal and metal products and machinery. Management, professional and related occupations (29% of the workforce). Sales and office occupations (24% of the labor force). Production, transportation and material moving occupations (19% of the jobs).
Details about Jackson, Tennessee: Cost of living index in 2008: 82.9 (national average: 100). Average salary in 2009: $28,000. Adult population holding a bachelor's degree or higher: 23%.
Top manufacturers in Jackson, Tennessee:
- Procter and Gamble
- Black and Decker (DeVilbiss Air Power)
- Delta Faucet Company
- Pinnacle Foods
- Black and Decker - North (Porter Cable)
- Persues Distribution
- TBDN Tennessee Company
- Armstrong Hardwood Flooring Company
- Gerdau Amristeel
The primary non-manufacturing employers in Jackson, Tennessee:
- West Tennessee Healthcare
- Jackson-Madison County School System
- City of Jackson
- Union University
- Madison County
- Regional Hospital
- Walmart
- Madison-Haywood Developmental Center
- Jackson Energy Authority
- Lane College
Some of the most popular jobs filled by those with college degrees are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, medical and clinical laboratory technicians, medical and health services managers, child, family and school social workers; financial managers and pharmacists.
Jackson businesses can work with helpful organizations such as:
- Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce
- Tennessee Economic Development Council
- Tennessee Small Business Development Centers
- Small Business Administration - Tennessee
News regarding the business endeavors of local companies is available at jacksonsun.com.