Kingsport, Tennessee is home to the headquarters of the notable business Eastman Chemical Company. The major economic components in Kingsport are healthcare, manufacturing and educational services.
In Kingsport the significant employment sectors are healthcare, chemicals, accommodation and food services, educational services, and finance and insurance. Management, professional and related occupations (32% of the workforce). Sales and office occupations (26% of the jobs).
Details about Kingston, Tennessee: Adult population which has earned a bachelor's degree or better: 24%. The cost of living index in 2008: 80.5 (U.S. average: 100). The average earnings in 2009: $28,000.
The major job providers in Kingsport Tennessee are shown below:
- Eastman Chemical Company
- Wellmont Health System
- A & L Industrial Construction & Maintenance, Inc
- Indian Path Hospital, Inc
- BAE Systems Ordinance Systems Inc
- Domtar Paper Company, LLC
- Walmart Stores
- Holston Defense Corporation
- Heartland Express
- Wellmont Health Systems
- Kingsport Publishing Company
- Holston NH Operations LLC
- Sunbridge Regency - Tennessee, Inc
- K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc
- BB & T KDC Insurance Services Inc
- Banctenn Corp
- Southland Health Services
- Barker Building Company Inc
- Fairway Inc
In Kingsport, some of the most popular jobs mostly filled by those with college degrees are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, pharmacists, financial managers, child, family and school social workers; medical and clinical laboratory technicians, and computer systems analysts.
Some of the useful organizations for local businesses are:
- Kingsport Chamber of Commerce
- Tennessee Economic Development Council
- Tennessee Small Business Development Centers
- Small Business Administration - Tennessee
The Kingsport Times News provides pertinent information regarding the local business community and economy.