Laredo's economy is primarily based on international trade with Mexico. Laredo is the nation's largest inland port. Commercial and industrial warehousing are important economic components. Most of the major transportation companies have a facility in Laredo. Education and healthcare are also important economic assets.
Regarding the labor market, about 32% of the workers are employed in trade, transportation and utilities jobs. Approximately 23% of the jobs are provided by the government. Approximately 15% of the jobs are in education and health services. Leisure and hospitality workers comprise about 10% of the workforce. Professional and business services employees comprise about 6% of the labor force.
Facts about Laredo, Texas: Adult population holding a bachelor's degree: 15%. Cost of living index in 2008: 81.2 (national average: 100). Average salary in 2009: $23,000.
Laredo's top private sector employers:
- H.E.B. Grocery
- McDonald's Restaurant
- Laredo Medical Center
- Walmart
- Covergys Call Center
- Compass Bank
- International Bank of Commerce
- Stripes Convenience Stores
- Doctor's Hospital
- Target Greatland
- Laredo Entertainment Center
- Falcon International Bank
- Union Pacific Railroad
- Sears & Roebuck and Co
- La Posada Hotel/Suites
- Baxter International
- The Laredo National Bank
Loredo has numerous popular jobs that are filled primarily by those with college degrees including detectives and criminal investigators, compliance officers, registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, educational, vocational and school counselors; instructional coordinators, public relations specialists; and child, family and school social workers.
Laredo businesses can receive assistance from the following associations:
- Laredo Chamber of Commerce
- Laredo Development Foundation
- Texas Economic Development Council
- Texas Association of Manufacturers
- Small Business Administration - Texas
People interested in local business and economic news can read the Laredo Morning Times.