Texarkana, Texas is a marketing and distribution center for the region's agriculture sector. The city also has industries such as tires, wood products, food and paper. Alcoa and Cooper Tire and Rubber have facilities in Texarkana. The Red River Army Depot, a notable maintenance and storage facility for ammunition and military equipment, is the metro area's largest employer.
In Texarkana, there are a number of jobs primarily filled by those with college degrees including registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, medical and clinical laboratory technicians, medical and health services managers, financial managers, pharmacists and physical therapists.
Notable information regarding Texarkana, Texas: Estimated median household income in 2007: $39,000. Cost of living index in 2008: 77.9 (U.S. average: 100). Adult population holding a bachelor's degree or higher: 20%.
Some of Texarkana's major employers are shown below:
- Alcoa
- Christus St. Michaels Health Systems
- Cooper Tire & Rubber
- Domtar
- Genoa Central School District
- Hibernia Bank
- Home Depot
- International Paper
- JC Penney
- Red River Army Depot
- Sears-Roebuck
- Smith Blair
- Southern Refrigerated
- Texarkana College
- Truman Arnold Company
- Valor Telecom
- Wadley Regional Medical
Shown below is a list of some of Texarkana's notable manufacturing companies:
- Alcoa - Aluminum rolling mill
- Applied Control Technology - Control panels, electrical & instrumental systems
- Coleman Cable - Telecommunications cable
- Cooper Tire & Rubber Co - Replacement automobile & truck tires
- Domtar, Inc - Finished paper products
- FCM Products, Inc - Metal fabrication
- International Paper Co - Bleached paper board and hardwood pulp products
- JCM Industries - Fabricated pipe fittings and couplings
- Paper Chemicals, Inc - Defoamer for paper industry
- River Valley Animal Foods - Ingredients for pet foods
Texarkana's leading employment sectors:
- Healthcare
- Educational services
- Accommodation and food services
- Government
- Construction
Organizations providing assistance to Texarkana businesses include:
- Texarkana Chamber of Commerce
- Texas Economic Development Council
- Texas Association of Manufacturers
- Small Business Administration - Texas
The Texarkana Gazette is a good resource regarding Texarkana business and industry news.