Roanoke is a notable regional commercial center. Northfolk Southern is a major employer in the city. Advanced Auto Parts is headquartered in Roanoke. The corporate offices of Virginia Transformer Corporation, a major transformer manufacturing company and the regional offices of Kroger are also located in Roanoke.
ITT produces night vision goggles in it's facility in Roanoke County. Due to the location of automotive assembly facilities in the South, Roanoke has facilities for companies such as Koyo, Dynax, Yokohama and Metalsa.
Roanoke's leading job sectors are healthcare, finance and insurance, accommodation and food services, construction, professional, scientific and technical services, and education. Management, professional and related occupations comprise about 27% of the labor force. About 27% of the workers have sales and office jobs.
Facts about Roanoke, Virginia: Residents holding a bachelor's degree or better: 19%. Cost of living index in 2008: 80.0 (U.S. average: 100). Average earnings in 2009: $31,000.
Major employers for the Roanoke area:
- Carilion Clinic
- Roanoke City Public Schools
- Roanoke County Public Schools
- Commonwealth of Virginia
- City of Roanoke
- Kroger
- Norfolk Southern
- Wachovia
- Veterans Administration Hospital
- Walmart
- Advance Auto Parts
- United States Government
- Allstate
- MW Manufactures Inc
- Lewis-Gale Medical Center
- United Parcel Service
- Roanoke County
- Yokohama Tire Corp
- Home Shopping Network
- Manpower Temporary Services
Roanoke includes numerous popular jobs where the majority of the workers are college graduates including registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, teachers, management analysts, child, family and school social workers; medical and clinical laboratory technologists; computer systems analysts, and electrical engineers.
Shown below are some of the organizations offering assistance to Roanoke businesses:
- Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership
- Virginia Economic Development Partnership
- Virginia SBDC Network
- Virginia Manufacturers Association
- Small Business Administration - Virginia offers local business and industry news.