Yakima, Washington produces about 75% of the all the hops grown in the United States. Yakima is also known for its apple industry. The region also produces other types of fruits and different varieties of vegetables. A number of workers are involved with picking and processing as well as marketing and support services for the thriving agricultural sector.
Notable companies involved with food processing are Smuckers, Del-Monte, Seneca Foods and Tree Top. The wine industry has been a bright spot for the Yakima region. The area includes more than fifty wineries.
Yakima is home to aerospace companies such as GE Aviation, Filtrona Extrusion and Cub Crafters. In addition, healthcare and educational services are major industries.
Noteworthy data regarding Yakima, Washington: Adult residents holding a bachelor's degree or better: 16%. Cost of living index in 2008: 84.3 (national average: 100). Average salary in 2009: $27,000.
Yakima's top job providing sectors are healthcare, educational services; agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting; grocery related product merchant wholesalers; technical sales support, construction, and accommodation and food services.
The largest employers in Yakima Washington:
- Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital - Medical
- Yakima School District No. 7 - Education
- Walmart - Distribution Center/Retail Stores
- Yakima County - Government
- Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic
- Yakima Regional - Medical
- City of Yakima - Government
- Yakima Valley Community College - Education
- Shields Bag & Printing Co - Plastics and printing manufacturing
- Washington Fruit & Produce Co - Fruit packing
- Yakima Training Center - Government
- Quality Transportation/Haney - Trucking/Transportation Brokers
- Snowkist Growers - Food Processing
- GE Aviation Systems - Aircraft Hydraulics/Manufacturing
- Del Monte Foods - Food processing
- Safeway Stores, Inc - Grocery
- Catholic Family & Child Service - Community service agency
- Jack Frost Fruit - Fruit packing
- Qwest - Telephone
Some of the associations offering assistance to Yakima businesses are:
- Greater Yakima Chamber of Commerce
- Washington Economic Development Association
- Washington State Department of Community, Trade & Economic Development
- Washington Manufacturing Services
- Small Business Administration - Washington
Information regarding Yakima business and industry is provided by the Yakima Herald Republic.