Government, trade, utilities, education and medicine have major economic roles in Charleston, West Virginia. The chemical industry and the manufacturing sector are also significant economic assets. Charleston is the capital of West Virginia, thus government has a significant impact on the economy.
Some of the noteworthy companies headquartered in Charleston are United Bank of West Virginia, Inc., West Virginia-American Water Company, Charleston Stamping and Manufacturing, Appalachian Power and Tudor's Biscuit World. Charleston Area Medical Center is the region's largest employer.
The primary job sectors in Charleston, West Virginia are healthcare; professional, scientific and technical services; government, accommodation and food services, and finance and insurance. Management, professional and related occupations (41% of the labor force). Sales and office occupations (27% of the jobs).
Facts about Charleston, West Virginia: Cost of living index in 2008: 84.5 (U.S. average: 100). Average salary in 2009: $32,000. Adult residents holding a bachelor's degree or higher: 33%.
The largest employers in the Charleston area:
- Charleston Area Medical Center
- Kanawha County Board of Education
- Thomas Memorial Hospital
- U.S. Postal Service
- Mc Junkin Red Man Corp
- Verizon Wireless
- BB&T
- West Virginia Department of Administration
- St. Francis Hospital
- West Virginia Media
Charleston, West Virginia has a number of popular jobs where the majority of the workers have college degrees including registered nurses, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives; teachers, child, family and school social workers; social and human service assistants; computer programmers, civil engineers and medical and health services managers.
Charleston businesses can receive assistance from the following associations:
- Charleston Area Alliance
- WV Economic Development Council
- West Virginia Economic Development Authority
- West Virginia Chamber of Commerce
- Small Business Administration - West Virginia
People looking for local business and economic news can read the Charleston Gazette.