Eau Claire's economy is based on healthcare, manufacturing and information technology. The paper and food processing industries also have a significant economic impact. The city also benefits from hi-tech industries. Eau Claire has numerous facilities involved in the production of computer hardware, including facilities of Hutchinson Technology. The city is home to IDEXX Computer Systems.
Employment is provided by noteworthy companies such as Cascades Tissue Group, Ayres Associates, National Pestro Industries, Inc., Menards, Midwest Manufacturing, Realityworks, Silver Spring Gardens, Erbert & Gerbert's and Font Diner.
In Eau Claire, the significant employment segments are educational services, healthcare, accommodation and food services, manufacturing, construction, social assistance, and finance and insurance. Management, professional and related occupations (29% of the labor force). Sales and office occupations (28% of the jobs).
Facts about Eau Claire Wisconsin: Adult residents holding a bachelor's degree or better: 29%. Average earnings in 2009: $28,000. Cost of living index in 2008: 80.9 (national average: 100).
The major job providers in Eau Claire, Wisconsin:
- Menard Inc - Home Centers
- Luther Hospital/Midelfort Clinic - Hospitals
- Eau Claire Area School District - Education
- University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - Education
- Hutchinson Technology Inc - Computer storage device manufacturing
- Sacred Heart Hospital - Hospitals
- Chippewa Valley Technical College - Education
- United Healthcare Services - Direct health & medical insurance carriers
- City of Eau Claire - Government
- The Charlton Group Inc - Telemarketing bureaus
- Eau Claire County - Government
- Walmart - Warehouse clubs & supercenters
- Royal Credit Union - Credit unions
- Xcel Energy/Northern States Power- Technical Consulting Services
- Nestle USA Inc - Dry, condensed & evaporated dairy products
- Pan O Gold Baking Co - Baked goods stores
- Phillips Plastics Corp - Plastic products manufacturing
- Manpower - Temporary help services
- Grace Lutheran Foundation Inc - Nursing care facilities
- YMCA - Civic & social organizations
Local businesses are invited to work with associations such as:
- Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce
- Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation
- Wisconsin Economic Development Association
- Wisconsin Technology Council
- Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce
- Small Business Administration - Wisconsin
The Eau Claire Leader Telegram provides details about the local business community.