The major economic elements for Cheyenne, Wyoming are the military, light manufacturing, agriculture, transportation and tourism. Fertilizer processing plants are also economic assets for Cheyenne. Cattle and sheep ranching are important to the region. In addition, oil is a significant economic element.
Cheyenne's largest employer is F.E. Warren U.S. Air Force Base, which is the location of a major installation of the Strategic Air Command. The federal, state and county governments have offices situated in Cheyenne. Some of the largest private sector job providers are Union Pacific Railroad, United Medical Center, Sierra Trading Post, Lowe's Companies, Inc., and Echo Star Communications.
Employment in Cheyenne, Wyoming is provided by industries that produce items such as precision instruments, electronic products, restaurant equipment and ski wear.
Cheyenne's top nonagricultural employment sectors are government; trade, transportation and utilities; leisure and hospitality, professional and business services, educational services, and healthcare.
Notable details about Cheyenne, Wyoming: Average salary in 2009: $28,000. Adult population which has earned a bachelor's degree or higher: 25%. Cost of living index in 2008: 85.0 (U.S. average: 100).
Cheyenne's largest employers
- F.E. Warren U.S. Air Force Base
- State of Wyoming
- U.S. Government
- Laramie County School District #1
- United Medical Center
- Union Pacific Railroad
- Sierra Trading Post
- Qwest Corporation
- Lowe's Companies
- Echo Star Communications
- Frontier Refining Inc
- Walmart
- Cheyenne Medical Investors LTD
- Hitching Post
- Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Wyoming
- Kindred Nursing Centers West LLC
- Capital Business Systems, Inc
Some of the most popular jobs in Cheyenne, Wyoming that are mostly filled by college graduates are registered nurses, teachers, wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives, management analysts, medical and health services managers, computer systems analysts, health educators and civil engineers.
Cheyenne businesses can work with associations such as:
- The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
- Cheyenne LEADS
- Wyoming Economic Development Association
- Small Business Administration - Wyoming
Information about local business and industry is provided by the Wyoming Tribune Eagle Online.